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ITW Food Equipment Group–North America Earns Sixth-Consecutive EPA ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year–Sustained Excellence Award

Group earns award for protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency.

GLENVIEW, Illinois – April 6, 2015 – For the sixth consecutive year, ITW Food Equipment Group–North America (ITW FEG) has earned the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ENERGY STAR® Partner of the Year–Sustained Excellence Award. The group earned the award for its continued leadership in protecting the environment through superior energy efficiency and will be honored at an April 20 ceremony in Washington, D.C.

“ITW Food Equipment Group–North America is thrilled to have won this award for another year,” said Chris O’Herlihy, executive vice president, ITW FEG Worldwide. “We are committed to increasing energy efficiency across our extensive portfolio of innovative food equipment products and doing our part to protect the environment, and we are proud to be continued partners with ENERGY STAR.”

Five ITW FEG brands—Hobart, Traulsen, Vulcan, Wolf and Wittco—offer ENERGY STAR qualified equipment across many product categories. Over the past year, these companies continued to demonstrate their commitment to the ENERGY STAR program with significant investments of time and resources in the development and introduction of qualified products. As a result, ITW FEG now offers 374 ENERGY STAR qualified products.

“Through its sustained participation with ENERGY STAR, ITW FEG is helping Americans save money, save energy and do their part to reduce our nation’s greenhouse gas emissions that fuel climate change,” said EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy. “I applaud ITW FEG for earning EPA’s highest ENERGY STAR award, the 2015 Partner of the Year–Sustained Excellence Award, demonstrating a strong commitment to energy efficiency and to preserving a healthy planet for future generations.”

Since its inception in 1992, ENERGY STAR and its partners have helped prevent a total of more than two billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2013 alone, ENERGY STAR and its partners provided more than $11 billion in societal benefits due to reducing damages from climate change.

In addition to offering ENERGY STAR qualified products, Hobart, an ITW FEG company, maintains its commitment to sustainability through the annual Hobart Center for Foodservice Sustainability (HCFS) grant. This $5,000 grant is awarded to the individual or company that submits the case study judged as being the most innovative and impactful new concept and execution of a sustainable design project.The HCFS is expected to announce the 2015 grant winner later this month, and the deadline for applications is April 10. For more information on HCFS, to apply for the grant or to learn more about reducing energy, water and waste, visit

About ITW Food Equipment Group–North America

A 2015 ENERGY STAR® Sustained Excellence Award recipient and an ENERGY STAR® Partner since 2008, ITW Food Equipment Group–North America (ITW FEG–NA) is composed of industry-leading brands including Hobart (, Traulsen (, Stero (, Vulcan (, Wittco ( and Wolf (, all of which design and manufacture commercial food equipment for foodservice and food retail customers.


ENERGY STAR® is the simple choice for energy efficiency achievements. For more than 20 years, people across America have looked to EPA’s ENERGY STAR® program for guidance on how to save energy, save money and protect the environment. Behind each blue label is a product, building or home that is independently certified to use less energy and cause fewer of the emissions that contribute to climate change. Today, ENERGY STAR® is the most widely recognized symbol for energy efficiency in the world, helping families and businesses save $300 billion on utility bills while reducing greenhouse gas emissions by two billion metric tons since 1992. Join the millions who are already making a difference at

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